I was once afraid to share my work

Jisoo Ahn
3 min readMar 16, 2022

So, it took me 4 years after starting my job as a product/UX designer to finally post my first piece of writing.

Why? I was scared. The thought of negative comments from critics or haters kept me from sharing my thoughts and experiences.

But then one day, I stumbled upon a quote on LinkedIn that really spoke to me.

Be Who You Needed When You Were Younger.

This quote really hit home for me. I realized what I needed when I was starting out as a designer was to see others who had persevered and were inspiring others through their journey. That was the spark I needed.

I started devouring articles on Medium, blogs, LinkedIn, and anywhere else people could share their stories. I was blown away by all the diverse and unique ways people were putting themselves out there.

After all that reading and reflecting, I came to a realization:

You don’t have to be the absolute best designer in the world to inspire others. You can still help and be an inspiration to those who are at a different stage in their journey. If you focus on sharing what you know, you’ll find your audience. When I was starting out, senior designers were my mentors. Now that I’m more experienced, I turn to even more senior designers and managers for guidance. But I still find inspiration and new ideas from juniors. It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey, what you have is good enough to share.

People are actually nicer than you think. If you share your stuff on the right platform, you’ll find that people are largely open-minded. They’re willing to learn from anyone, regardless of their title or experience level. I was really taken aback by all the supportive and constructive feedback that people were exchanging. You can grow and improve from the helpful feedback, and be motivated by the positive comments too.

You should be proud to share your work, especially if it brings value to others. I’ve seen so many people who are truly passionate about what they’ve created and it shows in the way they share their work. It made me take a closer look at my own work and I realized that I too have things to be proud of. Not just the tangible results, but all the small things I’ve designed for users that have made a real difference. My work has created value for someone, and I shouldn’t keep it hidden away, but proudly showcase it to the world.”

Negative comments won’t bring you down that easily. You’re not likely to receive negative comments on a daily basis unless you’re a celebrity. Even if someone criticizes you without any merit, it’s not going to last forever.

It’s a shame to keep your work to yourself. Sharing it with others not only helps and inspires them, but it’s also a way to create value. Just like how I needed someone to encourage me when I was starting out, I can now be that person for someone else.

So here I am, putting myself out there.

Hello, world 👋

A note book where the word ‘One’ is written in the corner.
Photo by Amel Majanovic on Unsplash



Jisoo Ahn

Digital product designer who wanders the planet earth. I love to enrich peoples’ lives by designing products with an enjoyable experience.